Drum Capacity calculator
With a picture of a drum showing where to get the measurements, the customer can then enter them into the right boxes. All measurements must be in inches.
Note: all Dimensions in inches Capacity will be in Feet
To find how much line a drum will hold if you already know how much line of any size makes a full drum.
- Converting .108 to .140 knowing capacity of the drum with .108 line
- Full drum with .108 = 6000m
- 6000m x .108 x .108 ÷ .140 ÷ 140 = 3570m
- Full drum with .140 = 3570m

Cable maintenance data sheets

How to locate shorts
Dead Short – Conductor is in direct contact with armor. Typically, resistance is less than 100 Ohms. Loss of communication with tools.
To find a short using Ohms, you must know the mfg’s resistance of Ohms/1000ft
“To make sure you get an accurate reading both ends of the conductor must be disconnected from the collector or cable head, and clean.”
- In the example below, we will use a 5/16″ cable at 2.8ohms/1000ft.: (Know the length of 20,000 ft.)
- Using a multimeter get the ohms resistance from the drum end, then from the cable head of the line.